What is your refund policy?
If a student breaks Buckle Up Driving School policy to the point they are a continued disruption to the effective teaching of this course, endangering the safety of the other students, or violates our zero tolerance harassment policy, or any other behaviors which i deem worthy of dismissal, there will be no refunds. All other extenuating circumstances may or may not be considered.
What is the attendance policy?
Attdenance is required. There is a $75 reteaching fee for missing a day of in-person class, FOR ANY REASON. There is a $30 fee for missing a behind-the-wheel driving lesson.
What is the parent or guardians role in this course?
Parents or guardians are required to ride with us for the final driving lesson (10th hour) and half hour at the end of our last class.
What is your payment policy?
Payment in full must be made before driving lessons can be scheduled (after the 3rd class). Your account must have a zero balance before your last driving lesson can be scheduled.
When can my student start?
Your students must be 15 years old by the start of the first class.
Driver Ed
Who are your instructors?
Our instructors are Steven and Carol Libby. We are both licensed by the State of Maine, and our school is monitored by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles - Driver's Education Department: 207-624-9000 ext. 52128
How long does it take to complete your course?
We try to get students finished in under five weeks.
How long is each driving session?
Driving lessons are one or two hours long.
Do parents or guardians come to the first class for orientation?
No. However, I need to see proof of age which is a birth certificate with the raised seal, or passport.
What materials do you use?
We use AAA How to Drive 15th edition, the workbook that goes with that curriculum, the Maine Drivers License Manual, as well as various videos, activities, and games.
Is there an online portion to your class?
No. All classes are conducted in person.
How long are your courses?
The state of Maine requires 30 hrs of classroom activities. We divide them into 10 3-hour classes. We cannot teach more than 10 hours of classes in a week. Also, there are 10 hours of behind-the-wheel training required.